Targeted, Effective Healing For Your Knee Meniscus Injury.

Surgery should never be the first option presented to you when dealing with a meniscus injury. Unfortunately, quite often it is. Meniscus 'repair' surgery suggests that the surgeon will be repairing or stitching the meniscus back together. In fact, meniscus repair surgery actually cuts out the damaged meniscus to reduce the pain. Once that cartilage is gone, there is no ability for it to re-grow.

The meniscus is living tissue that has the ability to heal without surgical intervention, as long as you have the right support. Don't allow your meniscus to be cut away forever with 'repair surgery'.

Do you want to recover as quickly and completely as possible?

Get exactly what you need to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and protect your meniscus. And most of all GET BACK TO BEING HEALTHY!

Physical Therapy is costly and time consuming. The weekly cost of physical therapy without insurance is around $150 per week. That can get expensive! Imagine being able to increase your recovery times, from the comfort of your own home.

Theria Health has sourced the best possible therapy items right from the manufacturer, provided to you at the lowest cost anywhere. This FOUR-PIECE package offered at special pricing has everything needed to heal quickly at home and get back to your life. Using this package of BFST + ColdCure + Therapy Tape you can treat yourself at home and get results up to 10x faster! If you want to heal quickly like professional athletes do, 10x more therapy is definitely the right plan of attack.

"It's a wonderful device. This thing, it works. I'm totally amazed. First thing I do is a treatment before I get out of bed. This thing is marvelous it's wonderful, it works. It cut my pain from an eight to a three-four. Honestly when you go to do a physical therapy session it costs you that much or more per session, but you can do this at home. It's probably one of the best things I've ever done. So if anybody asks you, you can give them my number and I'll tell them it's worth every penny."- Darlene, Utah | BFST Knee | May 17, 2022

Heal Faster. Heal Naturally. Heal with BFST

“This injury feels different, I should be better by now.”

You have been injured and recovered so many times in life but this time it's different, this injury isn't getting better. Injury recovery is typically a case of two steps forward, one step back.

Your body heals itself all day long, but sometimes a simple twist in the wrong direction can re-injure your knee again, and you may not even realize that you're making things worse until you start feeling the increase in pain a few hours later. Unfortunately, re-injury is an inevitable part of recovery. So, with persistent knee injuries it is important to make your steps forward, as big as possible!

Doctors, Rehab Specialists, and Physical Therapists target three things for an effective recovery: Reduce Swelling to Relieve Pain, Stimulate Healing, and Prevent Re-Injury. With Theria Health's specially selected Home Physical Therapy Kit, you get exactly what is needed to heal as quickly as possible.

That's where the BFST Wrap comes in. The BFST uses a process called diathermy. Diathermy is an advanced medical treatment that uses fine-tuned electrical frequencies to stimulate healing, improve circulation, and relieve pain in an injured area. An Ultrasound treatment that you can get at physical therapy is a form of diathermy. BFST treatments you can give yourself at home are diathermy, except they are much more powerful (about 10x stronger) and aren't harmful, like ultrasound treatments. With your BFST you can use it when you need it, in the comfort of your own home. For best results and the quickest healing ability, we recommend that you complete 3-4 BFST treatments throughout the day. Keeping in mind, that your quick 20-minute BFST treatment provides you with 3-4 hours of increased blood flow after your session is complete. Did you know, that to get the best results from ultrasound you need to have treatments 4 times per day every day, under the supervision of a doctor? That's what pro athletes do when they are injured. They get diathermic therapy 4 times each day. And that's what you should do too. With your BFST therapy wrap, you can get that same high quality level of treatment in the comfort of your own home. This is what's going to help you heal quickly and efficiently.

Stop The Cycle Of Pain. Tackle Your Pain with ColdCure

“This pain is stopping me from what I want to do.”

Does your knee pain and discomfort KEEP coming back? Or maybe it hasn't gone away at all? Considering surgery and taking medications? Surgery should never be the first option for recovery.

Throughout your injury, you're going to experience two different types of pain. At the beginning it will be hard to distinguish between what pain is your core pain, and what pain is related to inflammation and swelling. The sudden pain that you will feel after being over active, or if you move the wrong way, is a pain that will most likely be associated with inflammation. The dull persistent nagging pain that you feel all day, is your body reminding you that you're injured. This is your core pain. Your core pain will slowly disappear as you progress through your recovery, but the sudden increases in pain can be managed quickly and effectively with the ColdCure Wrap.

The ColdCure Wrap uses both Cold and Compression together to help take away the pain, and stabilize a new injury by reducing the swelling. When you cut your skin you bleed and eventually it stops and the first thing you do to help it stop is apply pressure. The same thing applies to internal injuries. You bleed internally and other fluids leak and pool internally. You need to stabilize the injury as best you can. Cold Compression is the best and ColdCure Wraps are the best of the best!

If you have pain and swelling or inflammation, Cold and Compression is key. Swelling and inflammation displaces muscles and tendons and causes them to strain more during activity. If you are doing things that cause pain, especially those short painful moments, those are steps backward in the healing process and you need to avoid those activities as much as possible. You need to respect the pain. Any time you feel that sudden increase in pain, that is a signal from your body that you're pushing yourself too far and causing further injury. When you feel those pain signals, it's time to apply the ColdCure Wrap to reduce the new swelling and inflammation developing, and work towards re-stabilizing your injury. The quicker you apply your ColdCure Knee Wrap, the quicker you will be out of pain.

Get your injuries healing the RIGHT way with a ColdCure Therapy Wrap. This proprietary wrap includes RigiGel, which is a cold non-migrating gel that lasts 8-10x times longer than other cold products. It warms up to a safe temperature very quickly, to give you the ability to complete back-to-back cold treatments without taking a break in between and no risk of tissue damage from extreme cold temperatures. More aggressive cold treatments means that you can tackle even the most stubborn inflammation quickly and efficiently. The flexibly of the gel allows a secure, comfortable fit, no matter the size of the knee that's being treated. Theria Health is proud to offer the highest-quality, medical grade cold wrap available to make the steps backward as small as possible and relieve pain for good.

Prevent Re-Injury: Stabilize and Support Your Knee

“I can't stop doing everything. I have to use my knees sometimes!”

Stopping your life because you have an injury, isn't a reasonable expectation to place on someone. You still have to live your life. Your objective through your recovery is to try to prevent re-injury as much as possible. KB Therapy Tape is the perfect solution to help stabilize and support your injured knee, and to help prevent against re-injury.

Tape seems like a rather benign product. But there's a reason you see almost every professional athlete taped up in some way. Athletes have an old and new injuries that they are trying to protect. Wearing support tape during times of high activity helps, without a doubt.

So if you want to recover, limiting re-injury is super important. When you get up in the morning, tape your knee and leave it taped all day. That way every time you move, your injured tissue strains just a little bit less and over the course of the activity or day that adds up to a lot of protection.

Most people know Kinesiology Tape commonly found in stores as athletic goods. The thing is, as athletic goods, there are no regulations on the safety of the product. And the reality is that the chemical adhesives used by most tapes are almost all toxic and carcinogenic. The majority of off-the-shelf tapes are NOT intended to be worn all day, every day. Using them long-term is likely to harm you instead of help you.

The KB Therapy Tape included in this package is medical grade. It is made to be safe - completely safe. It is designed to be used all day every day and not cause any damage to your skin. While you are injured, keep yourself taped up. But use safe tapeUse KB Tape. It will help protect your injury and keep your skin safe.

Mobile Treatments, for Wherever The Day Takes You

“I can't stay at home all day just to do treatments.”

Would you skip a Physical Therapy appointment? Not likely. So don't skip your own PT. Keep giving yourself the diathermic treatments you need, wherever you are.

Regular, consistent diathermic therapy is the fastest way to heal. Luckily, you can take your BFST with you, and complete your BFST treatments wherever you are with the included Mobile Battery Pack for your BFST, only from Theria Health. Keep the healing power of your BFST wrap with you, no matter where the day takes you. This battery pack is designed to be used for several days between charges. This powerful little battery pack ensures every treatment is as strong as the first one, every time.

We want you to respect your injury. Try to limit your activity to give your knees a rest. But don't miss treatments because you aren't home. Take your BFST with you and keep up treatments so you are always taking the biggest steps toward healing and putting your injury behind you for good.

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Knee Meniscus Physical Therapy Pack

Knee Meniscus Physical Therapy Pack


Regular price $249.99 USD
Regular price $300.00 USD Sale price $249.99 USD
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An at-home physical therapy pack using BFST to heal your meniscus, ColdCure to reduce inflammation and pain, and KB Therapy Tape to support your Meniscus Injury in a single, affordable package containing top rehabilitation technology:

  • BFST Knee Wrap, for extensive recovery therapy that works with your body's natural healing process to encourage blood flow and nutrient delivery to your injured meniscus.
  • ColdCure Knee Wrap, for pain relief and inflammation therapy using the newest cold-gel technology for deeper-reaching, longer-lasting relief.
  • KB Therapy Tape, to strengthen and stabilize your injured knee, preventing re-injury and relieving pain.
  • BFST Wrap Mobile Battery Pack, giving you the freedom and mobility to heal your injury anywhere and anytime.
View full details

"I had a knee meniscus about 2 months ago and that healed in like a month. It was great, it was wonderful. Now I can walk on my knee with no pain. It really does work, it's a wonderful device."- Jacqueline, Georgia | BFST Knee | Feb 18, 2022

Here's How This Deal Is So Good:

“How can you sell cheaper than the manufacturer?”

We want you to understand this deal. Theria Health partners with Medical Device Manufacturers to help people in need get connected with products that really work, but only if we can sell it at the best price anywhere when we make this partnership. This means you can be sure that your Physical Therapy Kit is available at the lowest price anywhere. You can't get this deal cheaper, even from the manufacturer.

However, we are not the manufacturer and these are FDA regulated medical devices. Theria Health selects quality products that very seldom have issues, but in the event that there is ever a service issue with the product, it requires the customer to work directly with the manufacturer for service under their warranty. Theria Health is not an FDA licensed repair facility. This physical therapy kit is produced by King Brand Healthcare Products, and their exceptional service team will always take the very best care of you. And this product includes their full manufacturers’ warranty, so you don't have to worry. But we just want to be clear.

Also, because we are not the manufacturer and these are registered medical devices, it means we cannot legally process returns and resell them. You will never buy something from Theria Health that is a refurbished or previously returned. This is because we are required to send all medical devices back to the manufacturer, even if the box has not been opened.  That's the law, it is not our choice. It is the law to protect you and other customers from broken or tampered medical devices.

You can send returns back to us within 14-days of receipt, but we are required to send it back to the manufacturer and we pay for that service. This return and replenishment service means there will be an order reversal fee of 20% on returned orders.

We buy the products in kits and sell them in kits. That's how we get the best pricing for you. We have negotiated on your behalf to get you the best possible deal. That means Theria Health cannot sell individual pieces or accept partial returns. If you need to return your product we will require you to please return the whole kit.

Find Out More About Theria Health's Refund & Return >

Get the Best Results Possible!

“How do I use all these products together?”
All Products Come with excellent instructions for use, but here's a summary on how to combine them all to get the best results. Follow the treatment protocol below and you really can get past even the most difficult injuries. Hundreds of thousands of others have already had success and you can too.

  • BFST: Use BFST over exposed skin, not over clothing. A BFST treatment is recommended once in the morning and another before bed at night. If you are able to do more treatments, spreading them out by 4-5 hours throughout the day is best.

    Use BFST before physical activity, but not right after. If you know you are going to be active with your knee, give yourself a treatment before the activity. But avoid another treatment BFST for 3 hours following heavy activity. BFST can be used throughout the day with included power cord, or Mobile battery pack.

  • ColdCure: Always keep the gel packs in the freezer for ready-use. Use only one gel pack at a time until pack no longer feels cool. Typically only one gel pack treatment is needed for relief. You can use the ColdCure wrap at anytime to reduce pain and swelling.

    Always try to do a ColdCure treatment after heavy activity, not before (this is the opposite of BFST treatments).

    Do not use ColdCure immediately after BFST. If required, do ColdCure treatments first, then wait about 30 minutes before BFST treatments.

  • Tape: Tape your injury after your morning BFST treatment, and remove the tape before your last BFST treatment at night. Leave the tape on during BFST treatments through the day. You can also place ColdCure wraps over top of tape.

    Simply put a longer piece over the sore spot, aligned in the same direction as your limb, joint, or injured tissue. Then cut a shorter piece and place it across/perpendicular to the first piece so that the two pieces cross over the injury site. Try a few options and always go with what feels best. For extensive taping instructions, see package.

  • Rest Your Injury: 
    After starting treatments with the Physical Therapy Kit, give your injury a rest from activity for 2-3 weeks, as this is the critical injury stage. Do not try to exercise, stretch, or strengthen the injured area. Save that for after you are past the critical stage.

    Remember, REST IS THE BEST for an injury. Be aggressive with your home PT Kit and you will get the best results. After a couple weeks begin adding some small activity and strengthening of the area.

    But always respect the pain you feel. Pain = more injury.  So if you feel more pain than normal, lighten up the activity.

  • BFST Mobile Battery: 
    The high-quality lithium rechargable battery allows you to take your BFST anywhere for mobile healing!

    A fully charged battery lasts up to ten or more BFST Therapy treatments, so a single charge can last several days if needed.

    If used regularly, charge overnight for full use during the daytime.

  • Final Tip: USE THE PRODUCTS! 

    This kit includes everything you need for the most effective Physical Therapy for your Knee Meniscus, whether you are at home or not!

    Use it regularly.

    You have what you need to get the same benefit as going to physical therapy 4 times per day, without all the hassle and cost.

    You can recover from the most persistent injuries with regular treatments!