What is Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy®?
One of the key ingredients to healing tissue is Blood Flow Stimulation. The Energy Web® that comes inside your BFST® Wrap does just that. By stimulating blood flow, the result is increased circulation to the injured area. Blood flow circulation is critical to recovery. The more often you can stimulate the blood flow, the more quickly you can heal. Being able to easily do this at home is key to a rapid and complete recovery.
When Should Blood Flow Be Stimulated & Why Does It Help?
Stimulating blood flow contributes to a healthy circulatory system. Blood flow works to improve cell growth and aids in proper functioning of the organs. Our blood contains oxygen and nutrients that are needed to help our body heal itself. When we're injured, blood flow to the area is usually significantly restricted. That's why promoting blood flow to the area of injury is so important. This is what opens up the blood vessels so the soft tissue can receive the oxygen and nutrients it needs to heal.
Blood flow should not be stimulated until the inflammation and pain are gone from the affected area, because you want to restrict the blood vessels when you have pain and swelling, not open them up. Blood flow therapy works to speed up the healing process for tissue that's no longer painful or swollen.